Chocolate Cupcakes With Orange Icing

Hey There!

I love watching the Netflix only show “Sugar Rush.” It really inspires me to bake, and it helps come up with some flavor combos. I recently watched an episode, and the theme was “The Outdoors.” One of the teams created a chocolate cupcake with orange curd and spicy icing — I personally don’t like my food too spicy (I’m still working on liking it 🙂 ), and I’ve never made curd before, so I made an easier version.

I made these chocolate cupcakes Gluten-Free, and my family said that if I hadn’t told them it was GF, they would never have guessed it. It is my new-favorite Chocolate Cupcake Recipe, and it was fairy easy, which is a plus.

I made my Orange Flavored Icing in white and orange, and swirled the two colors together. This was a very tasty icing recipe, and I would definitely make it again! 🙂

Chocolate Cupcakes (3)Chocolate Cupcakes (4)Chocolate Cupcakes (5)Chocolate Cupcakes (6)Chocolate Cupcakes (1)Chocolate Cupcakes (8)Chocolate Cupcakes (7)

All images © Chick & Co.


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life



Three-Tiered Chocolate Heart Cake


Yesterday, I was busy. I started baking around nine o’clock in the morning, and finished baking at one to two o’clock in the afternoon. I took me so long to bake because I was making a three-tiered chocolate heart cake!

I used the Best Chocolate Cake recipe from Cake Whiz, and this recipe will not disappoint. I made it Gluten-Free, and my family said that “It doesn’t taste Gluten Free; it tastes like a cake you would pick up from a bakery.” Also, we agreed that this cake is super moist!

The recipe said to use the Buttercream Frosting recipe, so I decided to go for it… this icing tastes like “official” icing – super fluffy and perfect! It is now my new favorite icing recipe! ❤

I decided to make a light mint-blue colored icing for decorating… I love how it turned out! I can’t wait to try making these recipes again! 🙂

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Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

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Thankful Poem

There is always something to be thankful for,

Even if you have bad health,

Even if you’re very poor

And do not have a large wealth.

Be thankful for the sun and moon,

Be thankful for the flowers new,

Be thankful for the afternoon,

Be thankful for the morning dew.

Be thankful for food to eat,

Be thankful for your husband or wife.

If you have none of these,

Just be thankful for your life.




© 2018 Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life