Easy Cheesy Rice Breakfast

Hello! 😀

My family tends to have left-over rice a lot. Then we are constantly trying to use it up in different ways. One of my favorites is my Easy Cheesy Rice Breakfast! 😛

It super easy! All you need is:

  • Rice (leftover or otherwise)
  • a scoop of Butter
  • a dash of Salt
  • a dash of Pepper
  • a large handful of Shredded Cheese
  • a large splash of Milk

Scoop rice into a microwavable dish. Add salt, pepper, and butter. Microwave on HIGH for 45 seconds or until the butter is melted. Stir gently. Add the cheese and Microwave on HIGH for 45 seconds to one minute, or until the cheese is fully melted and bubbling. Stir gently. Add the milk slowly and stir. Let cool for about 1 minute. Enjoy! 😀 😛

This is a super helpful and quick breakfast if you need to head out the door quickly. It is super tasty and sustains you for a long time. 🙂

Cheesy Rice (2)Cheesy Rice (3)Cheesy Rice (4)Cheesy Rice (1)




© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Happiness Poem

Each time a friend says hello,

every time a sibling grins,

that’s when happiness starts to glow.

When sunshine gleams,

or rain falls down,

happiness ignites bright daydreams.

When leaves start changing,

and days go by,

happiness brings joy to your heartstrings.

Happiness does not come with fortune,

though it may last a little while,

true joy comes with God the Father’s only Son.

When Christ plants happiness in your heart,

it’s hard not to be kind to others;

and to fear the LORD is to be quite smart.


© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life



Camp Chili & Rice

Hey There!

I recently went on a camping trip with my family. It was super fun! One of our favorite dinners out in the woods is Chili over Rice. It is my Mamma’s recipe — and she makes it the best! 😀 It is delicious, and not too spicy — of course, you could add hot sauce, if you want! 🙂

Here is a list of the ingredients — the measurements are all up to you depending on your mood! 🙂

  • Minced Onion
  • Ground Cumin
  • Garlic Powder
  • Chili Powder
  • Basil Leaves
  • 28 oz can of Petite Diced Tomatoes
  • 28 oz can of Crushed Tomatoes
  • 25.5 oz can of Dark Red Kidney Beans in a Sweetened Sauce
  • Water
  • Rice
  • Ground Meat
  • Olive Oil
  • Shredded Cheese
  1. In a crock pot, pour the can of diced tomatoes into the bottom, being careful not to splatter. Next pour the kidney beans on top. Add the crushed tomatoes on the top.
  2. Add the minced onion, ground cumin, garlic powder, chili powder, and basil leaf on top.
  3. Brown the meat in a separate pan with olive oil and some minced onion in it.
  4. Add the meat to the crock pot. Stir until fully combined. Cook either on High for 4 hours, or on Low for 6-8 hours.
  5. 30 minutes before serving chili, bring water to a boil and cook rice according to packaged directions.
  6. Scoop rice into a bowl, then ladle the chili on top. Add shredded cheese and hot sauce (optional) to complete it. Enjoy!




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The toppings for Chili are endless! My family and I usually add something crunchy, like tortilla chips. Go crazy! Use whatever toppings come to mind. 🙂

Camp Chili & Rice (6)Camp Chili & Rice (7)Camp Chili & Rice (8)Camp Chili & Rice (9)


All images © Chick & Co.


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Crochet Fox Hat


I love animals, any kind. But there is a certain cuteness to woodland animals, such as bunnies, deer, and foxes. I love crocheting hats – particularly animal hats – and decided a fox would be a good addition to my collection.

I found the Crocheted Fox Hat Pattern on Ravelry, a knit and crochet community that is super helpful with finding patterns and yarn. Searching through my gigantic bin of yarn ( all wound into balls with a Yarn Ball Winder ), I found two old skeins of glittery, fluffy, orange yarn: perfect for a fox hat! I immediately set to work on August 20, 2018. I have now finished the hat on August 21, 2018. 😉 It was super fun.

Fox Hat 1Fox Hat 2


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

The Lost Princess – My Handmade Rapunzel Costume!

I love this, it is so beautiful and original! Great job, PearlyPinkRoses!

Calico Star Studio

Last summer, I designed and created a dress for the Renaissance Faire singing competition I participate in with my choir’s small Madrigals group.  I did plenty of research, but I couldn’t find a pattern that suited my taste.  So, I figured out my own way of doing things and made the dress from scratch.

I used floral cotton fabric, lace, elastic, thread, gold eyelets, leather cord, an invisible zipper, and recycled an old button-down top and ballet tights to create this costume.


I spent a lot of time in my craft room, listening to music and tinkering with the fabric.  There were a few little hiccups, but overall, I didn’t deal with any major problems.  I just kept moving forward and by the end of the summer, all my hard work had payed off.

I’m so happy with how it turned out!


The day of the Renaissance Faire arrived, and…

View original post 318 more words

Thankful Poem

There is always something to be thankful for,

Even if you have bad health,

Even if you’re very poor

And do not have a large wealth.

Be thankful for the sun and moon,

Be thankful for the flowers new,

Be thankful for the afternoon,

Be thankful for the morning dew.

Be thankful for food to eat,

Be thankful for your husband or wife.

If you have none of these,

Just be thankful for your life.




© 2018 Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life