DIY Rainbow Keychain

Hey There!

I love bright colors – so it makes sense that I love rainbows!😉😉 One of my favorite things to craft is keychains. I think they are a great accessory that you can put on multiple things: keys, backpacks and purses, wallets, and more! And so, I was recently inspired to make a rainbow keychain!🌈🌈

I started by cutting 4 white pipe cleaners to the length I wanted. Then I wrapped them thoroughly with different colors of yarn and knotted the ends:

I then bent them to make sure they fit inside one another. Next, I simply hot glued them together. The last step was adding a jump ring and keychain extension with pliers. Ta-da!

I wanted to make this keychain because of the colors, but also for a more important reason: as a token of remembrance of God’s promise:

“Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures on the earth.”

Genesis 9:14-16

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Meet Rainbow!

Tearing off the wrapping paper on Christmas a few years ago, I unwrapped a Crochet Amigurumi book. Immediately flipping through the pages to see what I could create, I spotted a unicorn.

Sometime later, in the yarn isle of the store, an interesting blue cotton yarn caught my attention. So, (obviously) I bought it. When I got home, I tried to think of what I could make with my new yarn. Aha! My unicorn! The skein of yarn wasn’t big enough to make the entire body out of, but I decided to do some accents blue, with grey for the main body.

It took me a while to actually start making my unicorn, but once I did, it wasn’t long before my unicorn was finished. The finished product? Meet Rainbow!

Rainbow the Crocheted Unicorn (2)Rainbow the Crocheted Unicorn (4)Rainbow the Crocheted Unicorn (1)Rainbow the Crocheted Unicorn (1)Rainbow the Crocheted Unicorn (3)

The Crochet book is called The Big Book of Little Amigurumi by Ana Paula Rimoli.


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life


Crocheted Unicorn Hat


I love unicorns. I know they aren’t real, but you can never be sure… 😉 One of my favorite things to crochet is a hat. I have made only one or two, but they are extremely fun, and can usually be made in 1-2 days. Why not make a unicorn hat?

I found a bunch of Unicorn Hat patterns on Ravelry, a knit and crochet community (if you like crocheting and/or knitting and don’t have an account, I strongly suggest getting one!), but several of them weren’t what I was looking for – then there it was: a free crochet pattern for an adult-sized unicorn hat with ear flaps!

Immediately printing the pattern out and rushing up the stairs to my yarn stash, I thought about all the possible color combos. A while back, I made an Amigurumi (stuffed animal) Unicorn, which was grey with a rainbow mane and tail. I wanted a rainbow mane and tail for myself, too! (Also, rainbow colors match anything, so you don’t have to worry about the colors not matching your outfit!)

I had SO much fun making this hat! It was fairly easy; the only stitches you need to know are sc, hdc, and sl st (Single Crochet, Half-Double Crochet, and Slip Stitch). If you want a Unicorn hat, this is a great pattern to use! The link to the crochet pattern is at the bottom of the post.

Here are some photos of me modeling it:

Chick and Co. Unicorn HatChick and Co. Unicorn Hat2Chick and Co. Unicorn Hat3Chick and Co. Unicorn Hat4Chick and Co. Unicorn Hat 5Chick and Co. Unicorn HatUnicorn Hat by Chick and Co..jpg

Here’s the pattern:

Crochet Unicorn Hat Pattern


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies


One of the prettiest cookie recipes I’ve ever tried was Soft-Baked Funfetti Sugar Cookies from Sally’s Baking Addiction. They look and taste amazing, and were a huge hit with my family! I made these Gluten Free because of allergies… everyone was surprised and said they tasted like regular cookies!



These cookies are definitely kid-friendly. They are soft and chewy on the inside and slightly crispy on the outside. They were super fun to make and were gone in about four or five days! I would recommend this recipe to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (9)Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (10)Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (11)Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (12)Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (2)Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (5)Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (6)Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (1)

Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (7)Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (3)Rainbow Sprinkle Cookies (4)


© Chick & Co.


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life