Homemade Peanut Butter Cups (Peanut Allergy Safe)

Hey There!

My sister has a peanut allergy that developed when she was little. So, she can’t have peanut butter – instead, we use a peanut butter substitute*. I felt bad to be eating peanut butter cups in front of her, knowing she wanted some. So, when I got the book Sally’s Baking Addiction by Sally McKenney and saw the recipe for peanut butter cups (which called for regular peanut butter), I decided I had to make a peanut-free version for my sister! ❤
I LOVE how these turned out! They taste just like popularly sold peanut butter cups, but better because they’re homemade. 😉 Next time, I will probably make them thinner, as the chocolate sort of broke off instead of melting due to the thickness. Overall, I loved these delicious chocolatey goods turned out. 🙂
*contact me if you would like the name of the peanut butter substitute

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life