
Hey there!

A couple months ago, I got called outside to see a frog — but I couldn’t find it anywhere! It was camouflaged so well I didn’t see it at all. See if you can find the frog! (The answer is at the bottom of the post)

I Spy Frog


I never used to like frogs, but now I think they’re actually quite cute! ❤ I am a MAJOR animal lover, so finding new and different animals than usual is fun!


Frog Found

© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life


Crochet Fox Hat


I love animals, any kind. But there is a certain cuteness to woodland animals, such as bunnies, deer, and foxes. I love crocheting hats – particularly animal hats – and decided a fox would be a good addition to my collection.

I found the Crocheted Fox Hat Pattern on Ravelry, a knit and crochet community that is super helpful with finding patterns and yarn. Searching through my gigantic bin of yarn ( all wound into balls with a Yarn Ball Winder ), I found two old skeins of glittery, fluffy, orange yarn: perfect for a fox hat! I immediately set to work on August 20, 2018. I have now finished the hat on August 21, 2018. 😉 It was super fun.

Fox Hat 1Fox Hat 2


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life