God’s Gifts

How God works no one can truly see;

though outside it may be gloomy, He uses rain for His Glory:

a girl who is stressed with everyday life

can find joy in the rain, relieving her strife.

A man who can’t sleep because of the hurt

sees bright stars out the window, bringing comfort.

A hungry stray cat no longer must roam

and brings happiness to a sad family’s home.

God is truly great, bringing gifts from above

though they may be confusing, they show His great love. ❤


© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Beautiful Nature


When we went camping, the trees were so beautiful! I could really relax and feel God’s presence in the woods. I know God is always there, but when I am in His nature, I can feel Him so much more. I thank the LORD for giving me the chance to live in His wonderful creation! ❤

nature (2)nature (7)nature (1)nature (4)nature (3)nature (5)nature (8)nature (9)nature (6)nature (10)



© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life


Hey there!

A couple months ago, I got called outside to see a frog — but I couldn’t find it anywhere! It was camouflaged so well I didn’t see it at all. See if you can find the frog! (The answer is at the bottom of the post)

I Spy Frog


I never used to like frogs, but now I think they’re actually quite cute! ❤ I am a MAJOR animal lover, so finding new and different animals than usual is fun!


Frog Found

© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life