God’s Gifts

How God works no one can truly see;

though outside it may be gloomy, He uses rain for His Glory:

a girl who is stressed with everyday life

can find joy in the rain, relieving her strife.

A man who can’t sleep because of the hurt

sees bright stars out the window, bringing comfort.

A hungry stray cat no longer must roam

and brings happiness to a sad family’s home.

God is truly great, bringing gifts from above

though they may be confusing, they show His great love. ❤


© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life


Stress. Sometimes it gets the better of us; there’s no doubt about it. But there is a way to get over stress, and it’s probably not as complicated as you think.

Sometimes I get stressed out, and don’t know how to calm down. It can be really hard. But I’ve found some ways to calm down and conquer my anxiety.

Going outside

Taking a walk in God’s beautiful and calming nature does wonders to clear your thoughts. Step back, take a deep breath, and go for a walk outdoors. If it’s cold out, simply put on a coat. The sound of birds chirping and the breeze blowing through the trees helps me to re-focus and find confidence.

Spending time with Pets

Cuddling with puppies or stroking cats can help you focus on something else till you calm down. In fact, studies show that petting animals reduces the stress hormone cortisol. If your pets are wound up, playing with them can help cheer you up, too! 😉

Reading your Bible

And most importantly, reading your Bible helps the most. Pray to God and ask for composure and surrender your temper to Him. Trust Him, He can help! He created you and knows exactly how you work: what excites you, what breaks your heart, and what irritates you most. Sing to God and praise Him! He loves being praised, and is worthy of it! ❤

Take a Vacation

If you are almost always busy, I know what you’re thinking: I don’t have time to take a vacation. Vacation doesn’t necessarily mean packing your bags and going to the Bahamas, although that sounds amazing. Sometimes a mental vacation just means reading a book, playing a card game, or just talking to a family member or friend. Sometimes just talking to a loved one helps get the burden off your back, and they might be able to help find out what makes you mad or stressed out. Maybe they can even help come up with more creative ways to adjust your focus!

Hopefully, next time you get stressed out, these tips will help you! 

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6

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© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life