Mint Cupcakes Review


When I was little, I never liked the taste of mint. Ever. It always was too strong for me – whether it was mint toothpaste or a mint candy, I couldn’t stand it.

Now, I don’t mind it – actually, I quite like it. 🙂

A few days ago, I found a recipe in the book called Crazy About Cupcakes by Krystina Castella for Mint Cupcakes. I’ve never tried a mint flavored cake before, so I thought it looked interesting. They turned out wonderfully! The cake was the perfect consistency (which was relieving, since I made them Gluten-Free).  I would definitely make these delicious cupcakes again.




Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Lemon Cupcakes Review


Yesterday I had lots of fun making Lemon Cupcakes from a cook book called Crazy About Cupcakes by Krystina Castella. There are TONS of recipes in the book, and they all look amazing! I substituted GF flour for regular flour, and they turned out wonderfully with no issues.


Although, when icing the cupcakes, I had a bit of a catastrophe – the icing bag burst, and there was a mess everywhere! 😦


No worries – the cupcakes still taste good, even if they didn’t get a Five-Star presentation!



Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life