The Opinions Of Others

Opinion [uh-pin-yuhn] noun

A personal view, attitude, or appraisal. 

When I think of the word “opinion,” I don’t take it very seriously. All that it means is a personal thought or view. So why should we seek others’ opinions of us?

We as humans tend to get caught up in what other people think of us – buy why? It seems an easy thing to keep in check, yet sometimes – especially when we don’t know the people around us – we will look to others for our value. “Oh no, that person didn’t smile at me when I smiled at them: I must be doing something wrong!” Nothing is wrong with you. Everyone is different. Everyone is unique.

If everyone were the same, it would be a boring earth we live on. There would be no contrast like that seen in books: When two characters fall in love because they are so different; or when an enemy realizes his opponent is quite similar to himself. It would be a very grey world instead of one bursting with the colors of uniqueness! 

When I think of value, a certain quote from the Marvel character Peggy Carter pops into my mind:

“I know my value. Everyone else’s opinion doesn’t matter.”

Never be afraid of who you are. Picture yourself in a store. There are two mugs next to each other on a shelf. You look at the tags. One is cheaper, and less sturdy, while the other one costs more money but is hand-crafted. Sometimes the cost of the mug will make you walk away, not wanting to purchase it – but if you picture a human, the same as you, carefully taking a long time to create a unique work of art, that image makes you think twice. Yes, there are imperfections, but those same imperfections are what makes it beautiful! 

We are like that example. God has carefully hand-crafted each and every one of us in His image – why go and be a factory version that looks identical to all the ones around it? If you copy the trends and opinions of others, you will not be who you were meant to be. Yes, God is changing us. But He is making us better than we could of imagined! Who cares what other people think of you? True friends see who you really are and love you for it – and you will find that those genuine friends will stick with you through the hard times along with the good times. 

My prayer for you is that you will recognize who you are in Christ and be glad to show your true colors. 🙂

Yellow Flower


© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

The Redeemer Poem

Come to me, and I will grant you rest,

For I see you are weary.

Come to me, and I will provide,

For I see you are are needy.

For I am the Redeemer, You are the Redeemed,

I am the Savior, You are the Freed.

Come to me, and I will restore you,

For I see you are drained.

Come to me, and I will comfort you,

For I see you are stressed.

For I am the Redeemer, You are the Redeemed,

I am the Savior, You are the Freed.

Come to me with burdens,

And I will lighten you,

Come to me with struggles,

and I will guide you:

For I am the Redeemer, You are the Redeemed,

I am the Savior, You are the Freed.



© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life