Captain America Shield Cheesecake

Hi there! ๐Ÿ˜‰

My older Sister’s birthday came recently, and so I made her birthday cake! She requested that I make a cheesecake. Her favorite Marvel superhero is Captain America, so my Dad came up with the brilliant idea to decorate the cake like Captain America’s shield! ๐Ÿ˜€ With a little help from my Mom, this red, white, and blue cake was made.

I found an Out-Of-This-World Cheesecake Recipe. Everyone raved about how good it was, which was good because it was a large cake! ๐Ÿ˜‰ This cake is super delicious and creamy, and the crust was tasty as well. For the decorating, I used cherry and blueberry pie filling, plus some icing. I knew I would easily get tired if I made the whole cake, made icing, and decorated all of it, so we found some icing in a whipped cream can at the store, and it tasted delicious! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am already planning to make this incredible cheesecake again very soon! โค

Captain America Cheesecake (13)Captain America Cheesecake (14)Captain America Cheesecake (15)Captain America Cheesecake (16)Captain America Cheesecake (17)Captain America Cheesecake (18)Captain America Cheesecake (19)Captain America Cheesecake (21)

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