Ombre Berry Cupcakes

Hey there!

I recently had a friend over, and wanted to make cupcakes — but I wanted to make interesting cupcakes, not just chocolate or vanilla. I found a recipe for Raspberry and Blueberry Cupcakes, but didn’t have any blueberries… looking in the freezer, I found frozen raspberries and blackberries, so I substituted the blackberries for blueberries, and they tasted delicious!

I made these cupcakes Gluten-Free, and I couldn’t taste the GF flour at all.  I have found that a more intense flavor (like dark chocolate, berry, or cinnamon) can help mask the GF taste. I used my Favorite Cream Cheese Icing Recipe, from my Pumpkin Cupcakes a while ago, only omitting the cinnamon. (That wouldn’t taste very good with berries) 😉

I didn’t have store-bought buttermilk handy, so I used this recipe to make Buttermilk. I doubled the cupcake recipe, and got 36 cupcakes. I loved their taste, and am very pleased with how they turned out! 😀

Here are some photos of the process!


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

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