Dandelion Bubble Photography

Hey There!

How are you all doing in this tough season? ❤ I wanted to post some cheerful photos to brighten your day! 🙂 Share with someone who needs some cheering up. 😉

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Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Sunset Photos


Sunsets are gorgeous – they show God’s handiwork in beautiful ways. ❤ I love staring up at the sky and feeling the LORD’s presence with me!

I took these photos while in the car, so they are a bit blurry. 😉


Chocolate Cherry Cake with Cream cheese Icing

Hey there! 🙂

My Mom’s birthday is Christmas Eve! So, I asked her what kind of cake she would like: she said a chocolate and cherry cake with cream cheese icing. I used my Favorite Chocolate Cake Recipe, and my Favorite Cream Cheese Icing Recipe happens to be included in the pumpkin cupcake recipe I made previously. Simply omit the cinnamon and you’re good to go! 😉 It is positively delicious!

I used cherry pie filling in between the two cake layers. It worked pretty well, just make sure you also do a layer of icing under the cherries, or the top layer will slide all over the place. 🙂

I made this cake Gluten Free, and it worked wonderfully. The chocolate really masks the GF flavor. 😉 This cake was absolutely delicious! I am also proud of how the decorations turned out. 😉 I am super happy with how this cake turned out! ❤

Chocolate Cake (9)Chocolate Cake (11)Chocolate Cake (10)

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© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Meet Rainbow!

Tearing off the wrapping paper on Christmas a few years ago, I unwrapped a Crochet Amigurumi book. Immediately flipping through the pages to see what I could create, I spotted a unicorn.

Sometime later, in the yarn isle of the store, an interesting blue cotton yarn caught my attention. So, (obviously) I bought it. When I got home, I tried to think of what I could make with my new yarn. Aha! My unicorn! The skein of yarn wasn’t big enough to make the entire body out of, but I decided to do some accents blue, with grey for the main body.

It took me a while to actually start making my unicorn, but once I did, it wasn’t long before my unicorn was finished. The finished product? Meet Rainbow!

Rainbow the Crocheted Unicorn (2)Rainbow the Crocheted Unicorn (4)Rainbow the Crocheted Unicorn (1)Rainbow the Crocheted Unicorn (1)Rainbow the Crocheted Unicorn (3)

The Crochet book is called The Big Book of Little Amigurumi by Ana Paula Rimoli.


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life