

For about a month, a stray cat has been coming to our house. He is adorable! We have been feeding him every day, and he used to be very scrawny, but now he is a healthy and fed cat. We named him Mr. Jet Magoo! 😛 Our inside Manx Cat, Minerva Nubbins, does NOT like Jet at all… she always swats at the glass door whenever he comes around to eat! He started to come over and rub himself against the glass, not at all affected by Minerva’s hissing and scratching at the door. Last night, I opened the door and stuck my hand out, and he touched his nose to my fingers! I’ve never come in contact with him before, and he is so cute! ❤

Here are some photos of Jet Magoo:

EatingJet eatingJet MagooCute Mr. Magoo

Here is a photo of Minerva Nubbins:

Minerva Nubbins

© Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Sour Cream

Hey there!

My black cat loves white creamy foods. One day, we found her eating butter on the table! She doesn’t like vanilla ice cream though, because it is too cold for her tiny mouth. 😉

One day, my mom walked in holding our cat – she had sour cream all over her face! Apparently, we forgot to put the lid back on the container, and she started to eat it… Luckily, the container of sour cream was pretty much empty. 😀

Here are a few photos of the incident!

Sour Cream Kitty 2Sour Cream Kitty 3Sour Cream Kitty

All photos © Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life