Chocolate Covered Mini Dark Chocolate Doughnuts

Hey there!

Sometimes, baking can be a lot of work. And in the summer, turning on the oven can make the house too hot. I wanted to make some dessert the other day, but was considering these things, when I remembered I have a BabyCakes mini doughnut maker! I’ve used it 2 or 3 times before, and it works wonderfully! So far, the only recipes I’ve tried on it have been vanilla with some sort of topping (i.e. Powdered Sugar, Cinnamon Sugar, etc.). I decided I wanted to make some chocolate ones, and coat them with some melted chocolate. Looking in the cabinet, I noticed I had some dark cocoa powder – dark chocolate is one of my very favorite kinds of chocolate! – and so, I made some dark chocolate doughnuts. 😉

I found this Chocolate Doughnut Recipe, and it was DELICIOUS! Wanting to coat the finished doughnuts with chocolate, I decided not to make the glaze. They had a great texture, and will most certainly be made in the future! 😉


And here I am, licking the extra melted chocolate off of the cooling rack. 😛



Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life