Mirrored Butterfly Photography

Hey There!

Through this crazy summer, I realized that I haven’t taken many photos – and quickly decided to change that. 😉😉 So, please enjoy these mirrored butterfly photos!

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Chocolate Butterfly Cake

Hi There!

I love spring and summer. There is something so happy about the warm weather! All of the animals and insects are singing, and butterflies are flying around. I was inspired by them to make a butterfly cake! 😉 

I used my Favorite Chocolate Cake Recipe, and it is foolproof. Every time I make it, I love it! ❤  This chocolate cake tastes wonderful with cream cheese icing – which is usually what I make to go with it. My preferred Cream Cheese Icing Recipe happens to be paired up with a pumpkin cupcake recipe (which is delicious, if I might add 😉 ). I simply omitted the cinnamon in the recipe, and it works wonderfully.

My puppies had a great time taste-testing the icing, too! 😉

I am very happy with how this cake turned out, and love the decorations inspired by God’s creations. ❤


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Mighty To Save

“Savior: You can move the mountains! My God is Mighty to Save! He is Mighty to Save! Forever: Author of Salvation! He rose and Conquered the Grave! Jesus Conquered the Grave!” Mighty to SaveLaura Story

God is a god of Kindness and Love. He died for our sins, so He could be with us! How amazing is that? Words can not describe it.

When you are in a bad mood: when the bad days come, and the irritating people, and the no-good just-plain-stinky moments arrive, trust in God. “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10. Be still and know that I am God. Be still. That is all Christ is asking of us: to be still and let Him be in control; to submit to Him. Whenever you feel bad, just pray and talk to Jesus about it. He can help, trust me. I know: I’ve experienced His Saving Grace time and time again! Once you are able to talk to God like nobody’s listening — whether you are praying out loud or in your head — then you find the true comfort that God can offer! I’ve had MANY days when I feel irritated or depressed for no apparent reason, but when I pray and release it all and vent to God, I can feel his Saving Grace wash over me: and nothing anyone can do will ever change that.

God can save you from danger: danger does not mean just physical pain, but emotional, mental, and spiritual pain. He can save you, if only you let Him. I know for me, sometimes it is SO terribly hard to let go of something: from a heartache to something offensive someone said to you.

“For this God is our God for ever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end.” Psalm 48:14

He will be your guide through life’s unfair and unexpected twists and turns: He is your GPS, your map, and your Savior. Why not let Him be so much more than you ever thought he could be?


© Chick & Co.


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life