You Are Wanted

“God you don’t need me, but somehow you want me! Oh how you love me — somehow that frees me to take my hands off of my life and the way it should go. God you don’t need me, but somehow you want me! Oh how you love me — somehow that frees me to open my hands up and give you control — I give you control! You want me! Somehow you want me! The King of Heaven wants me! So this world has lost its grip on me!”

-Control, by Tenth Avenue North

I love the lyrics to this song because it reminds me that no matter what happens, God will always love me. It shows how God’s love frees you to not worry about the future and what will happen in it — because He will protect you and has already made the best choices for you and forgives you if only you believe in Him. He wants you! God wants to be with you and loves you, you only have to accept Him and what He did for you: He died and rose from the dead for you to show His forgiveness and love! If that doesn’t show how much He loves you, I don’t know what does. ❤

Please, if you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, I urge you to pray this prayer:

Dear Jesus,

I believe that you died and rose from the dead for me, and love and forgive me. I want to love you back, and accept you. Thank you for providing and blessing me with all that I have! I love you and praise you, and thank you for my life.

In Jesus’ Holy Name I pray,



I hope you have made the decision to trust God with your life — because He has a better plan than you could imagine! Even though you make the decision to follow him, it effects the whole rest of your life! ❤


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

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