God’s Salvation

What does salvation really mean?

Salvation is being saved. It means that you don’t have to worry about living life perfectly, because God has covered ALL of your sins! Isn’t that incredible? If you see Jesus as your Savior, then you know what freedom really means. It means more than just being able to mess up, it means that you have someone always watching out for you, someone you can always talk to, and someone that will always love and forgive you. Sometimes we get caught up in this mortal life of social media, fashion, social anxiety, and much more. We can easily forget God’s Grace and Salvation – and just because we are forgiven of our sins doesn’t mean that we can just do whatever we want, we still have to do the right thing. When we get distracted – stop reading the Bible, getting focused on social media – we just have to regroup and remember what God has called us to do:

And he said unto them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.'” Matthew 4:19

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'” Mark 16:15

We have been put on this earth to tell the wonderful story of God’s Grace and Love. Here are some of the lyrics to Live Like You’re Loved by Hawk Nelson:

“So go ahead and live like you’re loved: it’s ok to act like you’ve been set free, His love has made you more than enough, so go ahead and be who He made you to be, and live like you’re loved!”

If you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you can pray this prayer and become a follower of Him!

“Dear Jesus,

I recognize that you have died for my sins, and want to live for you, Father! I love you and ask to be forgiven of my sins and be saved! Thank you for your sacrifice, LORD! I thank and praise you!

In Jesus’ name I pray,




© Chick & Co.

Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

You Are Wanted

“God you don’t need me, but somehow you want me! Oh how you love me — somehow that frees me to take my hands off of my life and the way it should go. God you don’t need me, but somehow you want me! Oh how you love me — somehow that frees me to open my hands up and give you control — I give you control! You want me! Somehow you want me! The King of Heaven wants me! So this world has lost its grip on me!”

-Control, by Tenth Avenue North

I love the lyrics to this song because it reminds me that no matter what happens, God will always love me. It shows how God’s love frees you to not worry about the future and what will happen in it — because He will protect you and has already made the best choices for you and forgives you if only you believe in Him. He wants you! God wants to be with you and loves you, you only have to accept Him and what He did for you: He died and rose from the dead for you to show His forgiveness and love! If that doesn’t show how much He loves you, I don’t know what does. ❤

Please, if you haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, I urge you to pray this prayer:

Dear Jesus,

I believe that you died and rose from the dead for me, and love and forgive me. I want to love you back, and accept you. Thank you for providing and blessing me with all that I have! I love you and praise you, and thank you for my life.

In Jesus’ Holy Name I pray,



I hope you have made the decision to trust God with your life — because He has a better plan than you could imagine! Even though you make the decision to follow him, it effects the whole rest of your life! ❤


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Praying for Others

When I go to the mall, I look around me: There’s a girl giving out free food samples that looks stressed out, and over there is a man who is yelling on the phone. My natural instinct is to pray for those people.

Now, whenever I pray, I ask God to bless the people on my “list.” I add any people that I see around me – ordinary people that don’t necessarily stand out in a crowd – to my “list.” People I see walking down the street, neighbors, random people I pass in the car – whoever I feel like adding to my list, I pray for. I have you on my list!

I urge you to make a list of your own! I started out by writing down the people I see, but now I have so many that I simply trust God will remember them all for me. I pray that God would bless them and help them through their troubles, whatever they may be, because I can’t possibly know all of their problems, only God does.

If you have not accepted Christ Jesus as your Savior, please, pray this prayer and be saved! Post a comment below if you just did!

Dear Jesus,

I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead to save me.  I love you, and I want to be with you.  Thank you for loving me unconditionally, God, thank you for being my Father in Heaven. From now on, I live my life for You.

In Jesus’ Name I pray,



Next time you see someone that catches your eye, add them to your list! 🙂 Who knows how many people you will bless?


Chick  & Co.

Living the Sweet Life


Everyone is looking for answers.  Answers to what?  Life.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

God created you.  He cares about you.  He loves you, so very much.  God wants to be with you, He even died so He could.  He rose from the dead to show you His power!

“What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?” Matthew 16:26

God made you for a purpose, nobody is made without one, and each person’s purpose is different from everyone else’s. God can save you, it’s not too late.  It’s never too late.  Seek God, and you will live! To be saved, pray this prayer:

Dear Jesus,

I believe you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead to save me.  I love you, and I want to be with you.  Thank you for loving me unconditionally, God, thank you for being my Father in Heaven. From now on, I live my life for You.

In Jesus’ Name I pray,


Post a comment below if you prayed this prayer and accepted God as your Savior!



Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life