Tender Hearted

God made me tender hearted.

He made me so that I notice the smallest social interactions – a facial expression, shift in body language, or a small glance. I can overthink things often, and can sometimes be extremely sensitive. But that’s ok, because that is how I am made – and I’m made in God’s image!

“There is something special in being fragile, and it has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. Being sensitive is a gift… and I shouldn’t be ashamed of it.” – unknown

It took me a while to remember that God made me “fragile” for a reason, even if I don’t know it yet. I am quiet, and lots of people take that as being insecure or weak. But I’m not. I know just who I am in Christ – a new creation! (2 Corinthians 5:17) The world is tough, and values perfection, which is something none of us can achieve. Society tells you to “Be yourself – but not like that,” creating a desire to do things on your own and an aversion to asking for help. Respect, manners, and caring for others are dying practices. But when we extend ourselves to others and reach out to comfort them, we are creating a bond of trust and shining the light of Jesus.

“There’s bravery in being soft.” – unknown

Are you willing to be soft? Are you willing to be sensitive? Are you willing to be the person who jumps up to hold the door for a complete stranger who needs a hand? To help pick up books a student drops, or console a stranger in tears? Because we need more comforters in this harsh world. We need more givers. We need more people who are willing to reach out and be like Jesus to the brokenhearted. ❤


Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life