Fall Foliage Photos

Hey There!

I love fall. The cool, crisp air and falling leaves are so exciting! Plus, now it’s baking and hot chocolate season. 😉 What are some of your favorite fall traditions?



Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life 

Camping Trip

Hey There!

I recently went on a camping trip to my favorite campground. It was super fun, and was wonderful to relax and unwind. 😉 I loved observing God’s beautiful creations, and felt closer to Him as a result of spending so much time outside in nature! 

While going on a golf cart ride with my Mom, I saw some beautiful flowers I wanted to take some photos of – but as I got closer to snap a picture, I almost stepped on a snake! I’m super glad I had my camera with me! 😀


Richard the Snake


There were so many gorgeous flowers all around the campground exhibiting lots of vibrant colors! 


Near the front of the campground, there were some goats! I love their cute and fluffy faces. ❤




Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life

Beautiful Nature


When we went camping, the trees were so beautiful! I could really relax and feel God’s presence in the woods. I know God is always there, but when I am in His nature, I can feel Him so much more. I thank the LORD for giving me the chance to live in His wonderful creation! ❤

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Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life