Horseback Riding

Hey There!

I love horseback riding. I have been riding longer than I haven’t — which is surprising to me! 🙂 There are certain thrills that only come while riding a horse: such as Cantering or Jumping. When I jump, it feels like I am airborne for a moment — something my curiosity has always been piqued at! 😉 Cantering feels like I can honestly do anything; and it is the most satisfying feeling ever! It is my favorite part of every horseback riding lesson. I am so grateful to be able to experience being around and riding horses: it’s a part of me! God made horses the most magnificent creatures; large, furry, and extremely majestic. ❤ 😀

Here are several photos of me on Rebel the Pony and a photo of me jumping Harley! 🙂

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Living the Sweet Life