Crocheted Hanging Planter

Hey There!

Crocheting is an enjoyable hobby, and very useful. We recently got an aloe plant from a friend, but it turns out that aloe is poisonous to cats! Since we have a very active cat who loves jumping everywhere, we weren’t sure where to put the plant so she wasn’t in danger. Then my Mom had a great idea – she asked me to crochet a hanging planter for it!

I made up this pattern as I went along; customizing it for the vase we planned to use. I used a thin rope instead of yarn, because I didn’t want to take any chances of the yarn breaking and causing the vase to shatter. I had a lot of fun with this, and am very pleased with how it turned out… and now our cat isn’t in danger! 😉




Chick & Co.

Living the Sweet Life